In the older version of PHP, the source code that was written for the theme has some irregularities so it needs to be updated. 

In the wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/anps-framework/classes/AnpsStyle.php (or Style.php) we have to change the function anps_save_fonts() following: 

public function anps_save_fonts()    
    $names = array('font_type_1', 'font_type_2', 'font_type_navigation');       
     foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {          
    // NOTE: The abbreviated if statement did not work well, so it was replaced with live code.           
         if (in_array($name, $names)) {       
         $fonts = explode('|', $value);     
         update_option($name, $fonts[0]);      
         update_option(str_replace('type', 'source', $name), $fonts[1]);         
} else {      
         update_option($name, $value);         
  header("Location: themes.php?page=theme_options&sub_page=theme_style&sub_page=typography");    }